Throughout the time of our Lord's human Prescence on earth, He called upon those around Him to have faith.. Every miracle He performed was brought about by the faith of those surrounding Him... From the beginning of His ministry at Cana, where the belief of His mother, Mary, led the water to be changed into wine.. to the curing of the lame, the sick, the afflicted.. each simply accepting that Jesus said it would be done.. and it was.. Mary and Martha believed.. and Lazuras was risen from the dead. A small boy had faith, and his tiny offering became food for 5,000.. Mary Magdalene trusted His word and was rewarded for her faith by being the first to see the newly Arisen Christ!
But that was long ago.. What about today?? Just look around.. with not only open eyes, but open
heart! Christ gave us this guide: "I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."
Faith Can Move Mountains!! When you Believe!!!
by Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey
Many nights we prayed
Now we are not afraid
Who knows what miracles
In this time of fear
Yet now I’m standing here Chorus
They don't always happen when you ask Chorus
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